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Best Natural Ingredients and Oils for Psoriasis

Best Natural Ingredients and Oils for Psoriasis

Medically Reviewed 9 Best Natural Ingredients For Psoriasis The next time you stock up on essential oils at the pharmacy or make a supermarket run, you may come across one or more natural remedies that may ease minor symptoms of psoriasis . These DIY

How stress affects your health

How stress affects your health

Home // Psychology Topics // Stress // How stress affects your health How stress affects your health Stress can be brief, situational and a positive force motivating performance, but if experienced over an extended period of time it can become chronic stress,

Current pain treatments and their deficiencies

Current pain treatments and their deficiencies

An excerpt from The Pain Solution: 5 Steps to Relieve and Prevent Back Pain, Muscle Pain, and Joint Pain without Medication. The U.S. health care system is designed to handle emergencies. It manages life-threatening heart attacks and acute fractures well.

How Much Water Do You Actually Need to Drink Per Day?

How Much Water Do You Actually Need to Drink Per Day?

How Much Water Do You Actually Need Every Day? Credit: Getty Images There's nothing like a refreshing glass of...water. Yes, you read that right: water. Whether you just reached a new PR on that Peloton or snacked your way through a bag of something salty, a

Fibromyalgia Leg Cramps and Spasms - Rebuilding Wellness

Fibromyalgia Leg Cramps and Spasms - Rebuilding Wellness

Do you have fibromyalgia and suffer from leg cramps or spasms? The kind that propels you screaming from your bed in the middle of the night? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Even if nocturnal charley horses aren’t common for you, there’s surprising

How does having a sense of purpose influence our well-being?

How does having a sense of purpose influence our well-being?

In today’s consumerist, fast-moving culture, the pursuit of meaning in life may not be everyone’s immediate goal. However, research shows that finding meaning in life, whatever that might be for the individual, could significantly benefit well-being. Why

16 Little Things You Can Do to Be Happier Right Now

16 Little Things You Can Do to Be Happier Right Now

Are you happy? The question seems simple enough. But when you really take the time to assess your level of happiness, you may find you're out of balance and you could be wondering howexactly to can fix it. The truth of the matter is that a happier life means

This Is How Long Your Workouts Should Be, According to Science

This Is How Long Your Workouts Should Be, According to Science

Think you need to log an hour-long workout daily in order to be as healthy as can be? While a long sweat session can do wonders for your head-to-toe health and wellness, it isn’t necessarily a must-do for everyone. If your focus is exercising to stay well

I Did a 5-Day Lifestyle Reset and Feel So Much Healthier — Eat This Not That

I Did a 5-Day Lifestyle Reset and Feel So Much Healthier — Eat This Not That

Move over, juice cleanse, because there's a cool new trend in town, and it's called the "lifestyle reset." If you want to give your body a jumpstart after overindulging on vacation or over the holidays, lose some weight, wean off coffee, or simply refresh