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The Fundamental Role of Sleep on Cognition and Well-being - Frank Lipman MD

The Fundamental Role of Sleep on Cognition and Well-being - Frank Lipman MD

Sleep enriches our ability to focus, learn, memorize, and make logical decisions. It is critical for everyone at all stages of life. A lack of sleep affects our overall health and leads to obesity,

How to Quiet Your Mind to Get Better Sleep

How to Quiet Your Mind to Get Better Sleep

Sleep doctors have been telling you for years to stop using smartphones, laptops, and tablets right before bed for good reason. Not only does the light from electronic screens mess up your melatonin production, which makes sleep physiologically harder to

Happiness Is Personal

Happiness Is Personal

No one can tell you how to be happy. It’s too complex, too transitory to be subject to precise directions. It comes and goes. It depends on how your life evolves.


Mind. Body. Cancer. » How Mind-Body Therapies Can Help You Heal

Mind. Body. Cancer. » How Mind-Body Therapies Can Help You Heal

Not only has the popularity of mind-body techniques such as yoga and meditation exploded in recent years, but also a growing body of research suggests that cancer survivors who practice these techniques may have improved sleep, more energy, and less anxiety.

Open spaces and a sense of belonging improve wellbeing

Open spaces and a sense of belonging improve wellbeing

Why was the study needed? Most research into wellbeing has looked at what people can do for themselves to improve their wellbeing. It has stressed individual factors such as health and finances, which are important influences. However, wellbeing is likely to

Four weeks of gardening improves mood and reduces depressive symptoms among healthy women

Four weeks of gardening improves mood and reduces depressive symptoms among healthy women

New findings published in the journal PLOS One add to a body of research supporting the therapeutic benefits of horticultural therapy and art therapy. Healthy women who participated in eight group-based gardening or art-making sessions showed measurable

Multivitamins: Hype or health essentials?

Multivitamins: Hype or health essentials?

Dietary supplements and multivitamins are a thriving multi-billion dollar industry, but studies show they have little, if any effect on the health of those who are not nutrient-deficient or pregnant. Are supplements, particularly multivitamins, worth the

Meal frequency and portion size: What to know

Meal frequency and portion size: What to know

It is widely accepted in modern culture that people should divide their daily diet into three large meals — breakfast, lunch, and dinner — for optimal health. This belief primarily stems from culture and . In recent years, however, experts have begun to

3 Types of Soothing Self-Talk for Anxiety

3 Types of Soothing Self-Talk for Anxiety

When you feel anxious, compassionate self-talk can help you see the situation in a more balanced and realistic way, feel better, and make better choices. Here are some types of compassionate talk for anxiety you can try, with some explanation of the