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Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Understanding and Managing Pressure Ulcers on the Foot and Ankle

Pressure ulcerations, commonly called pressure sores or bedsores,

Reasons to be cheerful: optimists live longer, says study

Reasons to be cheerful: optimists live longer, says study

People who have a rosy outlook on the world may live healthier, longer lives because they have fewer stressful events to cope with, new research suggests. Scientists found that while optimists reacted to, and recovered from, stressful situations in much the

Resiliency and the Brain

Resiliency and the Brain

It is generally made up of three parts. The hindbrain regulates our automatic responses and reflexes. It heightens our senses in a way that prepares us for action during moments of perceived threat. The midbrain processes. This can include the processing of

Ankle Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Guide

Ankle Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Guide

Ankle Arthroplasty: A Comprehensive Guide

Debilitating joint pain imposes a myriad of limitations, stripping individuals of the

Diabetic Wound Care

Diabetic Wound Care

Diabetic Wound Care with The Relief Institute

Living with diabetes requires a meticulous approach to the health and

How Can Biofeedback Therapy Help Chronic Pain?

How Can Biofeedback Therapy Help Chronic Pain?

Heart rate using electrocardiography (ECG) Muscle contractions using electromyography (EMG) Sweat gland activity using electrodermography (EDG) Body temperature using sensors A biofeedback therapist can teach you techniques like mindfulness and breathing

Here's What Daily Exercise Does for Your Mind

Here's What Daily Exercise Does for Your Mind

Your mental health needs you to get moving. Here’s how to boost your brain-body connection. Self-care, rest, and therapy are so important to prioritize your mental health. But, perhaps too often, the physical side to staying mentally healthy goes

Understanding Wound Healing by The Relief Institute

Understanding Wound Healing by The Relief Institute

Understanding the Phases of Wound Healing: A Comprehensive Guide and More!

Living with diabetes poses a range of

A Learning Health System Agenda for Organizational Approaches to Enhancing Occupational Well-being

A Learning Health System Agenda for Organizational Approaches to Enhancing Occupational Well-being

The last decade has deepened the understanding of clinicians’ occupational well-being, including having characterized the prevalence of burnout (traditionally defined as emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and a decreased sense of personal