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Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic Arthritis

The outside world often assumes that living with an autoimmune disease like psoriatic arthritis is a life of leisure. Some recognize that there are medical appointments to contend with, but

Enthesitis and Psoriatic Arthritis | MyPsoriasisTeam

Enthesitis and Psoriatic Arthritis | MyPsoriasisTeam

Aches come part and parcel with psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Those who have the inflammatory condition often report feeling pain in their hip joints, hands, spine, knees, and feet during disease flares. In addition to these symptoms, roughly 35 percent of

What Doesn't Trigger A Psoriasis Flare?!

What Doesn't Trigger A Psoriasis Flare?!

Reactions 0 reactions One large part of managing life with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) involves navigating flares. When symptoms suddenly worsen, we look for an explanation. A trigger is anything that prompts an increase in or return of symptoms. In addition to