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Physical Fitness Tied to Lower Alzheimer's Risk

Physical Fitness Tied to Lower Alzheimer's Risk

Physical fitness has been linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but even moderate levels of cardiorespiratory fitness offer some protection, new findings suggest. "One exciting finding of this study is that as people's fitness improved, their

How to Do High-Intensity Interval Training

How to Do High-Intensity Interval Training

Regular physical activity has well-documented health benefits from reduced risk for heart disease to better sleep. And that means for everyone (yes, you!), regardless of age or any chronic diseases or conditions you may have. “As people get older and have

A 10-second balance trick may predict how long you'll live

A 10-second balance trick may predict how long you'll live

For older adults, being able to balance briefly on one foot may predict how long they'll live. People who failed a 10-second balance test of standing on one foot were nearly twice as likely to die in the next 10 years, according to a report published Tuesday

'Remission Is Possible' for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

'Remission Is Possible' for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes

A novel approach that involves sensors, artificial intelligence, and real-time individualized lifestyle guidance from an app and live coaches led to a high rate of remission of type 2 diabetes in a new study. Specifically, among 199 patients with type 2

Yoga for the Back - IDEA Health & Fitness Association

Yoga for the Back - IDEA Health & Fitness Association

According to the Health Policy Institute at Georgetown University, about 16 million adults in the U.S. have persistent or chronic back pain and are limited in some everyday activities as a result. Yoga for the back can help you and your clients remain

Why You (Yes, You) Should Try Low-Impact Workouts

Why You (Yes, You) Should Try Low-Impact Workouts

Health Wellness The Case for Low-Impact Workouts ​​In some corners of the internet, low-impact exercise is having a moment. Even the most hard-charging athletes can benefit from a change of pace.  Get full access to Outside Learn, our online education

The Benefits of Walking, Plus 3 Workout Plans to Get You Going

The Benefits of Walking, Plus 3 Workout Plans to Get You Going

There's a popular belief that if your workout doesn't make you sweat through your sports bra, it's not worth doing. But that's hogwash, experts say. Gentler workouts can be just as vital as hard-core exercise— and that's especially true for a good

This surprising tip will help your motivation for a post-summer fitness routine

This surprising tip will help your motivation for a post-summer fitness routine

There are lots of reasons why exercise is a little harder in summer. It’s hot, meaning we want to sit still in front of a fan, not run around in the baking sun. We also like to take advantage of the time people actually want to spend outside by hosting

3 Fitness Mistakes Trainers Say You Should Stop Making Because They’re Slowing Your Progress So Much

3 Fitness Mistakes Trainers Say You Should Stop Making Because They’re Slowing Your Progress So Much

3 fitness mistakes trainers say you should stop making because they’re slowing your progress so much december 18, 2021 mistake #1: inconsistency it may come as no surprise that not maintaining your fitness routine will be the first factor stalling your