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How to Recharge Your Mind and Body When You Feel Drained

How to Recharge Your Mind and Body When You Feel Drained

Is everyday life leaving you drained? In today’s fast-paced world, being busy seems like something to be proud of. Between working all day, eating on the run, and having little time for fun and relaxation, it’s normal to feel exhausted at least some of

How to Foster Workplace Well-Being

How to Foster Workplace Well-Being

This Is Part One of a Three-Part Series You would be hard-pressed to find a large organization without a chief financial officer or chief operating officer on the org chart, or a major health care system without a chief medical or chief quality officer.

Can supplements or diet reduce symptoms of arthritis? Here's what the evidence says

Can supplements or diet reduce symptoms of arthritis? Here's what the evidence says

Arthritis is a disease that affects body joints. There are more than 100 types of arthritis, with more than 350 million people affected around the globe, including about four million Australians. Arthritis causes pain and disability and commonly reduces

Harnessing the Healing Power of Music

Harnessing the Healing Power of Music

The Zoom meetup begins with Jason Armstrong Baker playing a melody on a metal drum to welcome his class. Five people log in to the weekly, one-hour session, hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Music and Medicine, during which Baker teaches rhythm skills

A 15-Minute Stretching Routine to Reset Your Mind & Body

A 15-Minute Stretching Routine to Reset Your Mind & Body

You know that feeling you complete a deep, full-body stretching routine? The one where you feel a bit lighter, less foggy, and even have more energy? Maybe you feel this way after moving and bending a bit the morning after a restful night’s sleep or after a

Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Common in People With Rheumatic Disease

Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Common in People With Rheumatic Disease

Chronic overlapping pain conditions (COPC) are a common problem among people with rheumatic diseases according to a recent paper in ACR Open Rheumatology. Of the 5,992 rheumatology patients included in the study, 846 had psoriatic arthritis (PsA), 2,605 had

What Are the Health Benefits of Kindness?

What Are the Health Benefits of Kindness?

You know that showing someone kindness can make you feel good inside. But you may not know that there’s scientific research that suggests that those warm, fuzzy feelings are also good for your long-term health and well-being. “Small acts of kindness are

Great Ways To Start The Day!

Great Ways To Start The Day!

Welcome back to Age Wise, exploring the science of improving physical health and mental wellness at every stage of life. This week, some good news for morning people:


Understanding the importance of health literacy

Understanding the importance of health literacy

Health literacy is vital to good health and wellbeing. It is fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and is a crucial tool to deliver universal health coverage. People need