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3 Tips to Aid Your Recovery from Lower Back Surgery

3 Tips to Aid Your Recovery from Lower Back Surgery

In order to aid your recovery from lower back surgery, you will likely need to make changes to your existing lifestyle. See Practical Advice for Recovering from Back Surgery While change can be difficult, adopting the following 3 tips may help shorten your

10 Tips for Taking Opioid Medications

10 Tips for Taking Opioid Medications

Rising public concern over increased opioid medication use can make anyone with chronic pain feel caught in the crossfire—trying to find some degree of pain relief while braving a hail of new laws targeting opioid abuse. See Chronic Pain As a Disease: Why

Zero In on Peripheral Nerve Pain - Dr. Paul Christo MD

Zero In on Peripheral Nerve Pain - Dr. Paul Christo MD

Excruciating pain running up and down her spine overwhelmed Kaye Gagnon, a day after a texting driver hit her car. Six months later, pain all around Kaye’s hip region hadn’t eased. She couldn’t stand, sit, or lay down on the floor for more than 15

Women Report Better Outcomes After Surgery for Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis

Women Report Better Outcomes After Surgery for Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis

Women were significantly more likely than men to be satisfied with outcomes at 1 year following surgery for degenerative lumbar spondylolisthesis, according to a retrospective analysis of a prospective multicenter study published in the January issue of

Causes, symptoms, and remedies of back pain

Causes, symptoms, and remedies of back pain

While it is not a disorder but a product of an underlying medical condition, it is so common that nine out of ten adults will experience it at some point in their lives. But for some people, it is one of the most common reasons that brings ugliness to their

Fibromyalgia: Aerobic Fitness for Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia: Aerobic Fitness for Fibromyalgia

Aerobic exercise is considered an essential component of a comprehensive management program for fibromyalgia. In a review of fibromyalgia patients, it was found that more than 80% of the patients were physically "unfit" based on maximal oxygen uptake and the

Are you sitting comfortably: the myth of good posture

Are you sitting comfortably: the myth of good posture

Do you slouch over your computer screen? Stand with your hips tilted forward and your stomach sitting out? Do people tell you to “sit up straight or you’ll get backache?” More than 2.5 million people in the UK have back pain each day – costing £22bn

Are You Trying to Avoid Spine Surgery?

Are You Trying to Avoid Spine Surgery?

While spine surgery may be the right option for certain patients, others feel that they will do almost anything to avoid surgery. If avoiding surgery is an preference for you, it's worth exploring some of the nonsurgical treatments that can help you postpone

Readers Share 5 Pain-Friendly Nutrition Tips

Readers Share 5 Pain-Friendly Nutrition Tips

In a recent post, I asked our Facebook fans to share their favorite nutrition tips. I asked them what helps them stay strong and healthy so they can better deal with their back and neck pain. I have some interesting responses to share with you, but please