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Strong Mind, Strong Body: Mental Health and Arthritis - Arthritis Research Canada

Strong Mind, Strong Body: Mental Health and Arthritis - Arthritis Research Canada

Strong Mind, Strong Body: Mental Health and Arthritis Strong Mind, Strong Body: Mental Health and Arthritis Did you know that people with arthritis are more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression? In fact, many individuals who have

Your good food guide

Your good food guide

Bad news: diet can’t cure arthritis. Good news: research suggests that switching up the kinds of food you eat may help you manage arthritis symptoms. And generally speaking, maintaining a healthy weight gives you more energy and puts less strain on your

Alec has juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and his mum couldn’t be more proud

Alec has juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and his mum couldn’t be more proud

Leah’s son, Alec, was diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) when he was seven after being undiagnosed for years. He’s now 15, very active and is rarely in pain. Leah shares their story and how his life changed dramatically after he found the

10 tips to manage morning stiffness in the joints

10 tips to manage morning stiffness in the joints

The morning can be a tough time of day when you live with arthritis. Painful, stiff joints, and our fingers, for example, might feel like you're wearing extremely tight, rigid gloves that make it difficult to use your hands. Whether you have osteoarthritis,

Summer guide to movement

Summer guide to movement

Summer is here, which means it’s time to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Here are some of our top picks for arthritis-friendly summer activities and tips for staying cool.  Before starting any new exercise program, be sure to speak with your

Conditions Related to Psoriatic Arthritis

Conditions Related to Psoriatic Arthritis

Previous Next When you have an active psoriasis rash, it’s called a flare. You may have several plaques over your body, or just one or two in certain areas. Your psoriasis can be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how much of your body is affected,

Is It Psoriatic Arthritis or Lupus?

Is It Psoriatic Arthritis or Lupus?

Don't feel bad if you get lupus and psoriatic arthritis mixed up, because they share some symptoms. If you've got pain and swelling in your joints, it could be a sign of either disease. Your doctor can set you straight, but there are some key ways to tell

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis | Joint Inflammation in Children

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis | Joint Inflammation in Children

It has not been updated since 22/11/2018. External links and references may no longer work. Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is a condition in which persisting joint inflammation first occurs in children under the age of 16 years. Affected joints become painful

Plenary I details cutting-edge science in gout, idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, connective tissue disease, systemic JIA, rheumatoid arthritis - ACR Convergence Today

Plenary I details cutting-edge science in gout, idiopathic inflammatory myopathy, connective tissue disease, systemic JIA, rheumatoid arthritis - ACR Convergence Today

Adding a moderate dose of oral methotrexate to pegloticase in patients with refractory gout lowers serum urate (SU) more effectively than pegloticase plus placebo for up to 52 weeks. Oral methotrexate plus pegloticase also resolved tophi more effectively and