News and insights from the Society of Tissue Viability

News and insights from the Society of Tissue Viability

We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions in our 2 surveys Interested in the procurement of products and therapies? Could you help us by taking a few minutes to complete our survey about the procurement of wound care products and therapies and the evidence for their use? We are interested in hearing your opinions on the subjects and The Society of Tissue Viability is always keen to ensure the views of both our members and other healthcare professionals within wound care are represented in a clear and unbiased way. Thank you for your help Find out more and take the survey Are you a newly qualified (1 year and under) HCP? As a newly qualified Healthcare Professional, we know this can be a very challenging and exciting time so thank you for taking 5 minutes to share your thoughts with us. Wound prevention & management can form a significant part of some HCP roles and many newly qualified clinicians feel unprepared to tackle this diverse and sometimes complicated subject unsupervised. Anecdotally, it has been suggested to us that the level of wound prevention & management education delivered to pre-registration HCPs is insufficient and that this is why newly qualified clinicians may feel this way. The Society wants to explore this further and understand how the level of education correlates with the level of preparedness and confidence newly qualified HCPs have when they begin to practice.   From this survey we can hopefully gather data and information that will provide evidence to support (or dismiss) this idea. Thank you for your help Find out more and take the survey Are you interested in medical research that matters to patients and the NHS? Applications are now open for PhD studentship from the MRC TMRP DTP. A list of potential projects and the application form is available online. Find out more about the Outcomes for Pressure Ulcer Trials (OUTPUTs): development of outcome measurement instruments for core domain outcomes Please note. Studentships are funded by the Medical Research Council (MRC) for 3 years. Funding will cover tuition fees at the UK rate only, a Research Training and Support Grant (RTSG) and stipend. We aim to support the most outstanding applicants from outside the UK and are able to offer a limited number of bursaries that will enable full studentships to be awarded to international applicants. These full studentships will only be awarded to exceptional quality candidates, due to the competitive nature of this scheme. Before making an application, applicants should contact the project supervisor to find out more about the project and to discuss their interests in the research before 09 January 2023. The deadline for applications is 4pm (GMT) 16 January 2023. Late applications will not be considered Whether you're just embarking on your career or have many years experience, our educational sessions are an invaluable way of increasing your knowledge and learning from others. We offer regular virtual education where you can share your experience and deepen your knowledge. These include Fundamental sessions, Advanced and Service specific / specialist events. All sessions are run on the Zoom Meetings platform, FREE OF CHARGE to attend and, in addition include an industry showcase where you can discover the latest product innovations. Here is a brief overview of what we have coming up in our education calendar during the next couple of months. Optimising skin health and wound healing in palliative care settings When: 6 December 2022, 9.30 am - 4.00 pm Fundamentals of wound assessment and management When: 7 December 2022, 9.00 am - 12.30 pm Advances in lower limb and foot care study day When: 6 January 2023, 9.15 am - 4.15 pm Our full 2023 schedule is under development right now, watch this space!

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