Foot Health Tips For People Who Work On Their Feet

Foot Health Tips For People Who Work On Their Feet

Manual laborers make up a large portion of the American workforce, and even if you’re not working construction or hauling bricks, there’s a good chance that you spend a large portion of your workday on your feet. Regardless of whether you’re working on the job site or helping customers around the store, your feet take a beating with every step you take. In today’s blog, we share some tips to help protect your feet from common problems faced by those who are on their feet all day.

Preventing Problems If You Work On Your Feet
If you are on your feet all day at work, there are two main causes of injury that you need to look out for. There are foot injuries associated with overuse in the form of repetitive microtrauma, and there’s injury in the form of direct trauma. For example, a store associate who is on their feet all day may be at an elevated risk for plantar fasciitis or shin splints from microtrauma, whereas a construction worker could be at a higher risk of foot fractures if heavy equipment falls on their feet.

With that in mind, here are some tips to keep your feet healthy if you’re on them all day at work, regardless of your profession.

1. Comfortable shoes – Put function over fashion when it comes to picking out shoes to wear to work. A stylish but unsupportive shoe can lead to arch issues and general foot pain. Make sure you have a supportive and comfortable shoe that can handle your daily tasks.

2. Protective shoes – If you’re working with heavy equipment, it’s also a good idea to invest in shoes that can help protect your foot from on-the-job hazards. Some companies require that you have steel-toe boots or puncture proof footwear, so wear a shoe that is up to industry standard.

3. Pamper your feet off the job – When you’re not working, try to find some time to give your feet a break. That’s not to say that you should live a sedentary life outside of work, but be mindful of your feet and adjust your activity levels if pain starts to develop. If you’re dead set on getting your exercise in after work, consider performing some routines that aren’t full weight bearing, like cycling or swimming. This will help to take stress off your feet.

4. Stretch – Your muscles can become painful and stiff if you walk and stand all day, so take a couple minutes throughout the day to help them stay loose. Do some calf stretches to help get the blood pumping to your lower body, and your movements will become easier.

5. See A Doctor – Finally, make sure you’re getting your annual physical each year to look for the signs of issues with your feet. And if something does begin to hurt with your feet, set up an appointment with a foot specialist. The earlier a problem is treated, the better treatment results tend to be.

For more tips, or to set up an appointment with a foot specialist, reach out to Dr. Silverman’s office today at (952) 224-8500.

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