The Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Achilles Tendon Repair

The Benefits Of Minimally Invasive Achilles Tendon Repair

The Achilles tendon is not only the largest tendon in your body, but it’s also the strongest. You may think that this would make it low risk for tearing, but it’s also tasked with handling extreme stress every time you run, jump or push off your foot. It typically does a great job at managing this pressure, but over time repeated stress can lead to microstrains, or due to a moment of acute force, a partial or total rupture.

If you end up partially or fully tearing your Achilles tendon, odds are you’ll end up in our office or in the office of an orthopedic specialist near you. Because while the tendon can heal on its own, patients tend to have much better results going forward if they have the tendon surgically fixed. In today’s blog, we explain why our minimally invasive approach to Achilles tendon repair offers extra benefits to patients.
Why Laparoscopic Achilles Tendon Repair Is Best

Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, is often the preferred surgical method compared to an open operation. At our clinic, we offer what’s known as PARs (percutaneous achilles repair system) Achilles surgery. PARs Achilles tendon repair only requires that the surgeon make a very small incision, about 1-2 centimeters in length. Traditional Achilles tendon repair requires an incision of between 10-15 centimeters. A smaller incision site not only limits tissue damage, but it speeds up recovery time after surgery.

Another unique benefit of minimally invasive surgery is that it helps to cut down on some of the risks associated with the operation. For example, bleeding and the possibility of bacteria entering the surgical site are more common with larger incisions, which in turn take longer to heal and require more extensive patient wound care. Because the incision site is smaller, the risk of problematic blood loss or the development of an infection are reduced, as is the risk of scar tissue causing problems.

Also on that note, it’s also much easier for the patient to care for their incision site after a minimally invasive operation. Healing is quicker with a smaller incision, and there’s less likely to be complications with sutures. The location of the incision site can be reached with relative ease, so while it’s not the toughest incision site to manage after an operation, it’s going to be easier to manage a 1-2cm incision site than one that’s 5-10 times larger, as it is with the open operation.

Finally, the PARs technique allows a patient to bear weight and participate in physical therapy sooner than if they had pursued an open correction. Not only is it easier for the patient if they can bear partial and full weight sooner, but the sooner physical therapy begins, the stronger the tendon tends to be in the long term.

When comparing Achilles tendon correction techniques, the difference is clear. PARs correction offer a strong tendon repair, limits potential surgical complications, provides for easier site care, heals quicker and allows an individual to bear weight and participate in physical therapy sooner. So if it turns out that you end up needing Achilles tendon repair, turn to the team who can offer you the best type of correction. For more information, reach out to the team of surgeons at The Centers For Advanced Orthopaedics today.

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