5 Signs You May Be Dealing With A Bunion

5 Signs You May Be Dealing With A Bunion

Like many foot issues and health conditions in general, the sooner the problem is identified and treated, the better treatment success tends to be, and caring for a bunion is no different. The sooner a bunion is identified and corrective measures are taken, the higher the likelihood you can avoid a corrective procedure. But in order to best protect against bunions, we first must know the signs and symptoms that one is developing. We share five signs that suggest a bunion might be forming in today’s blog.
How To Spot A Bunion

A bunion involves an abnormal bone formation on the joint of your big toe, and there are a few different signs and symptoms that suggest you may be dealing with the beginning stages of a bunion. Here’s what to look for:

A Visible Bump - One of the more noticeable signs is a visible bump on the side of the big toe joint. While this may be the easiest indicator to notice, it’s not the identifier you should rely on, because once it’s reached the stage of being noticeably formed, the bunion is harder to treat. If you notice a bump or protrusion on the side of your big toe joint, contact a foot specialist sooner rather than later.

Tightness In The Toe Box - If your shoes are beginning to fit differently in the toe box, that may be a sign of an underlying bunion. If your toes seem to be rubbing against the toe box or are tighter than they normally feel, especially if it’s occurring on the inner side of your foot, you may have a bunion.

Big Toe Joint Swelling Or Soreness - Even if your shoes don’t feel noticeably different, if your big toe or the joint is sore, swollen or irritated after spending some time in shoes, a bunion could be the root cause of the discomfort.
Limited Big Toe Range Of Motion - Because a bunion inhibits the normal movement of the big toe joint, another sign of a bunion is decreased range of motion of your big toe. If you can’t bend one big toe as far as than the other, or movement of one big toe is uncomfortable, it could be caused by joint dysfunction as a result of an underlying bunion.

Joint Pain - Finally, if walking or bending the big toe joint is painful, it’s a clear sign that there is an issue with the area, and oftentimes a bunion is the root cause. Pain is not normal, so if you begin to develop discomfort that doesn’t resolve in a few days, consider talking to a specialist, especially if pain is coupled with any of the other symptoms listed above.

If you keep an eye out for these signs and are proactive in treating any potential bunions, we’re confident that you’ll be able to manage your bunion without surgical intervention. However, it’s nice to know that if surgery becomes necessary, Dr. Neufeld and the team at The Centers For Advanced Orthopaedics can provide you with the highest quality of care. For more information, reach out to our care team today.

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