How To Improve Your Morning Routine And Make Time For Everything

How To Improve Your Morning Routine And Make Time For Everything

There are a variety of ways you can improve your everyday life and accomplish more throughout the day. It all starts with consistency.

Although consistency isn’t one of my favorite things, I’ve learned to appreciate the value in routines.

Consistency comes in handy when you have children. As a mom of multiples, I find that consistency helps your understand what to expect.

From creating a summer fun schedule to everyday fun mom ideas with the kids, it’s a good idea to plan ahead.

If you’re a mom who feels you need more self-care in your life, then I recommend creating a daily schedule. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

It’s one of the best ways to make time for everything on your list — granted your list has attainable family goals.

My daily schedule starts at 6:30 AM. It includes setting up breakfast, preparing coffee, and my husband’s clothes for the workday. Some self-care in the morning to help me keep the momentum and tidying up the house.

NOTE: Tidying up my home is also part of my self-care routine because it keeps me sane.I have the kids join in as well, after all, they make most of the mess.

There are a number of things you can do to help improve your everyday life. Here’s a list of ideas to help you get started on your morning routine:

Most of the moms I chat with throughout the day say they make time for themselves in the morning. It’s a must!

If you feel you need more time to yourself, then I recommend waking up earlier every day. This could also mean going to sleep sooner.

Last year around this time I have several clients I’d work with throughout the week which meant late nights. This year, I told myself I needed to focus on my health — both mental and physical — so I took a step back.

Sometimes you need to re-evaluate your life and see what’s working and what isn’t. Take control, mama. You’ve got this.

If you need help waking up at a certain time, then I suggest setting an alarm on your phone. I have several ones throughout the day that help me accomplish things.

Yes, I have an alarm for lunchtime. Otherwise, I would forget to eat. Try different times to see which schedule works for you. I’m constantly reworking mine to fit my family’s schedule.

The first thing you should look into is someone’s eyes. Just kidding, but you get what I mean. Skip interacting with your phone as part of your morning routine.

Facebook can wait, and so can that annoying group chat that never seems to end.

Oh, yes, I don’t recommend on-going group chats. These chats can hurt your daily productivity and decrease your battery life.

By minimizing your screen time you’re giving yourself back time to focus on the essentials — whatever that might be. For me, it’s family, self-care and blogging. These three things fuel my everyday life.

Related: 6 Tips For Self Care That Moms Who Can’t Seem To Catch A Break Can Follow

You don’t need to sit in the same position for a long time to meditate. All you need is time to reflect on what you’d like to accomplish throughout the day.

Meditation gives you the internal power to overcome your negative thoughts. Ithelps with stress reduction, controls anxiety, and promotes emotional health. Experts recommend meditating in the early hours for at least 15 minutes daily can result in mental peace.

As soon as you’ve thought about the things you’d like to accomplish throughout the day/week, it’s time to jot down ideas. Those ideas can reflect ways you’d like to tackle the things on your list.

Having a daily routine — or what I like to call the skeleton of your schedule — will help you accomplish more on your list.

Yes, you may have to adjust your schedule a couple of times in one month. However, some things will always remain the same.

For me, it’s sticking to working on my blog between 8 AM and 10 AM. Maintaining this daily work schedule helps me plan other things throughout the day, like last-minute things that may come up.

You don’t need to workout every day, but hydrating daily is key. Sticking to healthy snack options throughout the day can help you focus on your fitness goals.

This also ties into daily self-care for moms. You’re essential to your family and it’s important that you care for yourself as well as others.

By simply addinghealthy lifestyle changes, you can live a happier life. Start exercising while working at home to bring flexibility to your body. Yoga is a good option. The right nutrition is also required to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Think about healthy snacks you can take on the go with the family.

Learning new skills or reading inspiring pieces can help you build on your knowledge. Aside from acquiring a new skill you can learn stories about empowerment that remind you of the power the mind possesses. People often forget how knowledge can be powerful. You can read a variety of books/articles on a daily basis to add value to your skillset.

Be sure to work on improving daily, and make sure your schedule reflects the things you’d like to accomplish. Success doesn’t come easy, but if you plan ahead, you’ll get there.

I often joke that when my house is a mess, so am I. It’s not far from the truth. A women empowerment FB group for moms asked the question:

My response was: “I always choose both — clean and peaceful.” Most moms agreed and shared their reasoning. Honestly, there’s nothing more peaceful than a tidy space. Sometimes the best way to start the day is with a good clean. Not just your home, but yourself.

Once you’ve taken care of yourself — bathed and meditated — then you can properly tackle the things before you. Always clear your mind before starting a new day.

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