Caring For Your Diabetic Feet During COVID-19

Caring For Your Diabetic Feet During COVID-19

It’s important for diabetics to practice proper foot care each and every day, but that sentiment has only been amplified amid the coronavirus pandemic. It’s clear that the virus isn’t going away anytime soon, and that has made it harder for patients to get in to see a doctor as quickly as they could in the past. Many clinics are limiting capacity or triaging patients so that high priority patients get seen first, and that can make it harder for diabetics who are getting their regular checkups to be seen.

So while it may be harder to see a physician during COVID-19, that doesn’t mean you can ignore aspects of your health, like your diabetic feet. In today’s blog, we explain how to care for your diabetic feet as we work through the era of COVID-19.
Diabetic Foot Care During COVID-19

Here are some ways to help protect your diabetic feet as we continue to navigate life during the coronavirus.

More Self Screens - If you’re not already, start getting in the habit of performing daily foot checks to look for signs of an issue. Look for sores, blisters or signs of an infection, and contact your medical provider at the first sign of an issue, because they may not be able to see you as soon as you would like.
Stay Active - We’re being asked to stay socially distant, but that doesn’t mean we need to live a more sedentary life. Movement and exercise is important for everyone, but this is especially true for diabetics who may be dealing with decreased circulation. Exercise and movement helps to push healthy blood to our extremities, which is helpful for your foot health.
Improve Your Diet - Wounds on your feet won’t heal well if you don’t control your blood sugar, so really work to improve your diet during the pandemic. It can be easy to order takeout or make poor food choices if you’re feeling stressed, and the pandemic has definitely been stressful on everyone. Strive to make healthy food choices and really monitor your blood sugar level to keep it in an ideal range.
Consider Telemedicine - If you need to see a physician sooner rather than later, consider setting up a virtual appointment. Patients can typically see a physician sooner if they pursue a telemedicine appointment, and you can learn more or schedule a virtual visit by clicking here. Telemedicine options allow you to bring your questions or concerns to a doctor from the comfort of your home, so consider pursuing these options if you’re having an issue related to your diabetic feet.
Stick With Your Care Plan - If you’d been prescribed a treatment plan or physical therapy exercises to help keep diabetic foot complications at bay, don’t let the pandemic disrupt your ability to stick to your care plan. Life may be more stressful amid COVID-19, but that doesn’t mean we can ignore crucial aspects of our health. Do your exercises every day and follow through with your doctor’s recommendations.

If you need help managing your diabetic feet during COVID-19, or you’re dealing with a new foot issue, reach out to the talented team of foot specialists at The Centers For Advanced Orthopaedics today.

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