Acute pain

Acute pain usually comes on suddenly in response to an injury and may come and go. The sensation may be similar to coming into contact with a sharp object. Acute pain usually does not last longer than six months. It goes away when there is no longer an underlying cause for the pain.



Ankle Injury
Usually due to an underlying injury, ankle pain refers to any kind of sudden or worsening discomfort affecting any part of the ankle.

Ankle Sprain
An ankle sprain refers to tearing of the ligaments of the ankle. The most common ankle sprain occurs on the lateral (outside) part of the ankle.

Big Toe Arthritis (Hallux Rigidus)
Hallux rigidus is arthritis of the joint at the base of the big toe.

Bone Injury
A single foot contains 26 bones, any of which can be linked to a source of discomfort. A bone injury can affect the shape, balance or function of the foot.

Bone Spurs
Bone spurs (also called osteophytes) are smooth, hard bumps of extra bone that form on the ends of bones.

Broken Ankle (Ankle Fracture)
A fracture is a partial or complete break in a bone.

Fifth Metatarsal Fracture (Jones Fracture)
A Jones fracture occurs in the fifth metatarsal — the long bone on the outside of the foot that connects to the little toe.

Gout is a kind of arthritis. It can cause a sensation of sudden burning, stiffness, and swelling in the affected joint (usually the big toe).

Morton’s Neuroma
Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition that affects the ball of the foot, most commonly the area between the third and fourth toes.

Painful Hardware
Painful Hardware is a possible side effect from metal screws and plates, which are often used in surgery to fix fractures, fuse joints, or stabilize bones.

Pilon Fracture
Fractures of the toe and metatarsal bones in your foot are common and breaks in the metatarsal bones may be caused by either stress or trauma.

Plantar Warts
Plantar warts are a common viral skin infection on the bottom (plantar) side of your foot.

Progressive Flatfoot (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction)
If this tendon becomes inflamed, overstretched, or torn, you may experience pain on the inner ankle and gradually lose the inner arch on the bottom of your foot, leading to flatfoot.

Sport Injury
Foot and Ankle Injury are common problems faced by many sport enthusiasts.

Stress Fracture
A stress fracture is a small crack or severe bruising within a bone and is mostly caused by overuse and repetitive activities.

A wound is a physical injury to the body that bypasses the protective function of the skin and risks contamination and infection to the site of the trauma.

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