Tendon Rupture

A tendon rupture is a tear in the tendon connecting bone to muscle. This foot injury is painful and prevents the foot and ankle from moving freely. An Achilles tendon rupture, the most common tendon injury among athletes and people who engage in strenuous activities, affects the tendon that connects the heel bone to the calf muscle.


Any activity that applies pressure or stress on your foot can cause a tear or rupture in your Achilles tendon. Some of these activities include running uphill or on hard surfaces, playing sports that require an abrupt change in foot movement, misuse of feet such as wearing high heels for long periods of time, and strenuous activities without proper warm-ups.

A tear in the Achilles tendon can also be linked to flat foot, also known as fallen arch or overpronation. This condition can develop when the impact of a step causes the arch of your foot to collapse, which may stretch or tear your muscles and tendons.


Symptoms of Achilles tendon ruptures include the following:

  • A pop or snap when the tendon tears
  • Severe pain in the back of the ankle, making it difficult to walk
  • Swelling and discoloration
  • Tenderness
  • Inability to rise on the toes
  • A gap in the back of the ankle where the tendon fiber separated after the tear

Potential Treatments

As debilitating as they can be, the good news is that minor and moderate tendon ruptures should heal on their own. A walking boot or wedge can help take pressure off the rupture until it heals. If you experience another rupture, surgery may be required. If you are unsure whether or not to seek medical help, contact us to consult with our list of experienced doctors.

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