Simple Speed Workout To Train To Run Faster — Lea Genders Fitness

Simple Speed Workout To Train To Run Faster — Lea Genders Fitness

I recommend a non-running dynamic warm-up before you start this workout.

Warm-up for your speed intervals by running for five minutes at a leisurely pace. An effective way to judge your pacing is by your breathing and the talk test. If you are not breathing heavily and could hold a conversation without gasping for air between words or sentences, you are moving an appropriate speed for warming up. If you have trouble talking, you are going too fast for a warm-up.

Run for 30 seconds run at a hard pace. A hard pace is a speed you could not hold a conversation, and breathing is labored. It should feel quite challenging for 30 seconds. It’s a controlled sprint.

Run for 90 seconds at a slow pace to recover. It may be a slow jog or even a walk if needed. Use this time to prepare your body and mind for your next fast interval segment. Your heart-rate should come down during this period.

Run the 30 seconds hard/90 seconds easy intervals for a total of eight times.

Cool-down by walking for five minutes or until your heart-rate returns to normal. Perform once a week for six to eight weeks.

Recovery needs vary from athlete to athlete, depending on factors like experience, age, and genetics. Older people may need more time for recovery than younger ones, but a more experienced athlete may need less than a new athlete.

Most people can maximize their recovery by following the below guidelines.

Take at least one or two full rest days per week. Use this time for active recovery that does not stress the body the same as hard workouts. Try walking, stretching, foam rolling, or mobility exercises. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep because a lot of your body's recovery processes happen during sleep. If you don't sleep well, chances are you won't recover well. Eat mostly foods from nature, include whole food sources of protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild after workouts. Be sure to eat enough calories to fuel your hard workouts. Undereating can limit recovery. Limit or minimize alcohol and processed foods that can cause additional stress on your body (occasional indulgences encouraged). Minimize or manage life stress as much as possible. Spend time in nature, meditate or pray, read, limit electronics, spend time with loved ones and animals. When life is stressed, it can limit your ability to recover. If you have life stress that you can't control, it's better to limit high-intensity workouts during this period.

Do not follow arbitrary paces in workouts from the internet (not even this one). Always work according to your fitness level and abilities. If a workout on Pinterest calls for a nine-minute-mile paced interval, that may be a relaxed pace for one runner, and a hard-effort for another, which would yield different outcomes for each runner.

What feels hard for you? That's your hard interval pace. It doesn't matter what anyone is doing or suggesting you do. Get pace advice from your workouts based on how you feel or from a qualified coach.

As you build fitness, you will find you will be able to run the hard interval segments at a faster speed with less effort. Let me know how it goes in the comments, on Twitter or Instagram! Questions? I'd love to help!

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