Creative Ways to Use Coconut Oil in Your Diet and Beauty Regimen

Creative Ways to Use Coconut Oil in Your Diet and Beauty Regimen

Coconut oil is well known for its delicious cooking substitutes, and various internal as well as external health benefits.

It consists of healthy fats such as monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are essential for your healthy being. Some of the key health benefits that they provide are burning fats and improved brain and digestive system functioning. Apart from this, it contains essential vitamins that are essential for your skin and hair health.

For centuries this oil has been used in various natural remedies and medicines in pacific islands and Asia due to its healing properties. Here we will see some of the unexpected and surprising ways to use it in your daily life.

You can use it as a moisturizer after taking a shower or before going to bed. The saturated fat content of the coconut oil helps in trapping the moisture in your skin. Saturated fats consist of medium-chain fatty acids that help to do so.

Your hair needs natural oils to stay healthy and nourished. You can use this oil regularly and even after shampooing. The saturated fats enable this oil to penetrate deep inside the roots of your hair and keep it moisturized. It also has vitamin K and vitamin E, which are essential for your hair growth.

For silky shiny and frizz-free hair, heat this oil and gently massage it on your hair. Now, cover your hair with the shower cap and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. This helps in proper penetration of this oil in your hair roots.

Dead skin cells and bacteria accumulate to clog your skin pores. This leads to different skin conditions, such as eczema, acne, wrinkles, etc. You can also use coconut oil for oily skin as it can help in cleansing your clogged pores and replace the bad oils with itself to nourish your skin.

All you need to do is apply this oil gently in your skin and leave it for a few hours or overnight and then wash it off with a warm cloth.

Armpits are the key areas of your body where your body odor is generated. This is due to the accumulation of your sweats where different bacterias feed and produce such smell. Coconut oil has antibacterial properties that can get rid of these bacterias and remove the odor.

In order to use it, make a mixture by mixing coconut oil, arrowroot, baking soda, and essential oil of your choice. Apply this mixture in your armpits after washing your armpits.

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection, which is caused due to frequent sweat accumulation and friction between your feet and footwear.

Apply coconut oil on your feet before going to bed and keep it overnight. This helps in getting rid of this infection naturally. Coconut oil has antifungal properties that not only help in getting rid of fungal infections, but it can also get rid of dry and cracked skin.

Coconut oil can also be used to moisturize your vagina to get rid of its dryness. You can also use coconut oil for vaginal itching. To use it, apply refined organic coconut oil to your vagina, and cover it with a mini pad before going to bed. Consult a doctor before applying it as it might not suit some other conditions in your vagina.

Coconut oil is an essential and natural ingredient for lip balm. It not only moisturizes your lips but also helps in getting rid of flaky pouts and chaps in your lips. You can make your natural lip balm in your home by mixing coconut oil, beeswax, honey, vitamin E, and essential oil of your choice. You can also use lipstick after applying it.

Instead of shaving cream, you can also use coconut oil to shave your legs. Along with shaving, you get soft and moisturized legs. It also doesn’t harm your razor blade.

Coconut oil consists of lauric acid and has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Any minor burn injuries from sunburn or by getting in contact with hot objects can be healed by coconut oil. It can also relieve your inflammation and discomfort feeling. Along with this, it tightens the burnt skin areas to prevent any further damages(wrinkles, darkening of the skin, and tanning) to it.

Massaging on your joints with coconut oil can help in getting rid of arthritis pain. The essential vitamins and minerals present in the coconut oil help in strengthening your bones by maintaining its structure. This helps in preventing the development of osteoporosis.

Add one teaspoon of this oil to hot water or your herbal tea in the morning and drink it. You can also replace it with your existing vegetable oils while cooking.

Applying coconut oil in your teeth can help in getting rid of plaque accumulation in your teeth and kill the harmful mouth bacterias that cause tooth decay. In order to use it, make your homemade toothpaste as follows:

Take a half cup of coconut oil and heat it until it becomes liquid. Now mix two teaspoons of baking soda to it to form a paste. Now add 10 to 20 drops of cinnamon or peppermint essential oils to it. Store this mix on a sealed container and use it every day to brush your teeth.

Although there are not enough studies to support it, it is advisable to seek advice from your dentist before using it.

Eating foods made from coconut oil helps in lowering your cholesterol levels, which minimizes your chances of heart attack, and also its potassium content helps in lowering your blood pressure.

Henna is a wellness lifestyle writer. She loves sharing her thoughts and personal experiences related to natural remedies, yoga, and fitness through her writing. She currently writes for How To Cure. She can connect with others experiencing health concerns and help them through their recovery journeys through natural remedies.

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