Time to get out of your energy-saving mode? Why you feel tired all the time

Time to get out of your energy-saving mode? Why you feel tired all the time

You must have over the course of your lifetime said, “why am I so tired recently – I can’t seem to shake it off!” If not, you are very, very, fortunate! And we are not talking general old-age tiredness; we are talking about young people too! But fortunately, for those who are really tried, there is hope in that there are good reasons for it, and you probably fall into one of the categories we will look at. 

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), they say that around 15.3% of women and 10.1% of men regularly feel tired to the point of exhaustion in the USA. Did you know that around 1 in 25 adult drivers fall asleep at their wheel whilst driving every month? 

When you don’t get enough sleep and you are tired, that sounds like a pretty obvious reason for feeling tired. Yet 1 in 3 adults in the USA is not getting sufficient sleep. Getting only a few hours of sleep each night isn’t only associated with fatigue though; you experience impaired performance and that in turn means a greater risk of accidents. That’s aside from all the health problems associated with lack of sleep such as stroke, heart disease, depression, high blood pressure, and obesity.

You can make massive changes to tiredness when your diet is right. When you eat a healthy, balanced diet, you do literally make the world of difference to how you feel. It is imperative to get a healthful mix of foods from all the food groups, which are fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy. You probably know by now how important it is to cut down on sugar, to exercise, and to drink plenty of water.

Getting up and moving is probably one of the best things you can do to combat tiredness. Research from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Physical Activity recommends that adults get in 2½ hours of moderate exercises each week and also muscle-strengthening activities 2 or even more days a week. This might seem like a lot of exercising but learn to spread it out – you won’t be sorry because apart from ‘fixing’ tiredness, you benefit from other health benefits too.

This is a true tiredness causer! Financial problems, relationship problems, work problems, major life events, catastrophes, and upheavals cause major stress – not to mention traumatic events such as bereavement and unemployment! – The list just goes on. Just a bit of stress can be healthy because it’s what keeps us on the edge and alert – it’s when it is excessive and prolonged, it can lead to major emotional and physical exhaustion, plus illness.

You might be abiding by all the above, you are sleeping well, you don’t appear to be overly stressed, you are eating well and exercising, and yet you still feel exhausted. There could be a medical condition plaguing you. Anemia is a big one. As is an underactive thyroid, as is chronic fatigue syndrome, and more. Whatever the case, it means you need to go and see your doctor because as soon as you get your bounce back, you will be able to face the challenges of life with a spring in your step and a sparkle in your eye – go for it!

Depression or anxiety can be at the root of chronic fatigue. Women are affected more than men. With depression, you usually show little interest in normal activities, and the fatigue which is associated with depression can often be exacerbated by too little or too much of both eating and sleeping. Depression can suck the life out of you. Be sure to read the following: 9 Best Ways to Prevent Depression Naturally.

Get energized today, because the higher your energy level, the more efficiently you operate.

As a dad, husband, brother, friend and community leader, I know all too well how challenging it can be to try to fit it all in. As men, we’re often pulled by careers, family, community, and our own dreams and ambitions. That’s life! And it’s beautiful. 

We often have a tendency to put our health and wellbeing (our self-care) on the back-burner of life. Not just the physical, but the emotional, psychological, and spiritual parts that make us who we are. We focus much of our energy on the external world -- helping others before helping ourselves -- becoming a martyr, sacrificing ourselves and in the process becoming a fraction of what we set out to be. 

In our 20’s we were headstrong and had a metabolism to match. We could get away with a lot -- a full day at school or the office, then a session at the gym, followed by a night on the town… wake up and repeat! But that slowly shifted as our goals, ambitions, and lifestyle matured and evolved along with our personal and professional development. Life seemed to shift from me to us, as we found ourselves dividing our time to other commitments, thinking that there would be time to refocus on ourselves once we get through this one last project… one last challenge… achieve that one last goal…  in essence, we became amazing collectors of ‘tomorrows’, only to find out now in our 40’s and 50’s these ‘tomorrows’ have transformed into ‘empty yesterdays’.

But there’s good news! Our physicality and mental acuity are tightly tied to our physical and emotional wellbeing. When we start to lose our physical ability to be fit, healthy, and strong, our emotions start to wane. Negative thought patterns, excuses, and stress slip past our guard, and we find that we lose connection to mind-body-spirit. We see what was once a gap in our 30’s, is now a chasm to cross. Reconnecting the dots seems like a massive project and regaining our health, fitness, and mental energy, like an epic journey of epic proportions. It just feels hard, doesn’t it?

Thankfully, I know exactly how you feel. 

Whether the above fully resonates with you or only a part, we probably both agree that things have become more challenging as we have aged. Especially when it comes to maintaining a reasonable level of health and wellness that provides with confidence, stamina, endurance, and energy to do the things that matter to us most in life. 

As a 42-year old dad of now 2 teen daughters, a busy entrepreneur and a community leader, I can tell you I’ve figured it out. I’ve figured out how to satisfy all my cravings -- be a great husband, a loving father, an endearing friend, while also loving myself enough to prioritize my own self-care habits. I’m not spending hours and hours at the gym as I did in my 20’s, in fact, I work out less intensely, and for fewer hours, yet I’m fitter than I’ve ever been. I don’t stress too much about how I eat, but rather what and when I eat. And most important of all, my energy and self-confidence as a result of some simple tweaks, I feel better than I ever have. And I want to help you achieve the same.

Imagine waking up with boundless energy, being able to connect with those closest to you fully-present and alert, while also knowing that your choices that day are in full alignment with the things you most want. You aren’t really thinking about being healthy or the like, rather you are just BEING. 

That’s the difference between goal setting and lifestyle shifting. One method is great for gauging progression, but the other, it’s just about living life as it is. As your best version of you, because deep down you know, ‘I got this!’ 

I'd love to connect and have a chat about the above-mentioned lifestyle protocol, exploring how I may be able to help you with making life whatever you want it to be. Feel free to book a complimentary 30-minute 'transformation' call at www.TalkWithDai.com -- questions, email me at coach@daimanuel.com

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