Pain education doesn't help those with acute low back pain

Pain education doesn't help those with acute low back pain

Norman Swan: Talking about the global burden of disease study, that's a study which actually looks at years of life lost, either lost because of death or lost because you have actually got disability. So it's years of disability-free life lost. Low back pain is the single largest cost of disability, lost years of life, globally. And part of the reason for that is that a proportion of people with an episode of acute low back pain go on to having the pain long-term, chronic back pain. The reasons for that are complex and have to do with your social circumstances, the pain itself and how you are faring psychologically. The question though is whether if you have a deep understanding of those factors personally, would you be less likely to progress to chronic back pain? That's what a trial at Neuroscience Research Australia sought to find out. The lead author was Dr Adrian Traeger. Welcome back to the Health Report.

Adrian Traeger: Thanks very much Norman.

Norman Swan: Now Adrian, we should just remind ourselves what you spoke about last time because it was very similar to this. I thought that last time you were on you were telling me that education or at least the words of a GP did matter.

Adrian Traeger: I did tell you that Norman…

Norman Swan: Are you going back on it? We had someone on last week who went back on their research. I'm happy to give you the opportunity now…

Adrian Traeger: I don't think we'll go back on just yet, I think a key difference between what I said on that program was that very brief education is still an important aspect of care for back pain. But we did something a little bit different in this trial, we really amped it up a lot and…

Norman Swan: Okay, let's not give it away too quickly because we've got to get through another few minutes. So what defines you…there are questions you can ask which helped to define whether you are at high risk of going on to chronic pain rather than just having an episode of acute back pain which you recover from.

Adrian Traeger: Yes, there are questions you can ask, and they are actually put together in a tool that doctors can use when they are sitting down with a patient. So there are five factors that we know are strongly related to poor outcome from back pain. So this is the people who have just hurt their back, they may have done something in the garden or just woken up with an episode of back pain, they go to their GP, they sit down and tell them about it, and the GP…

Norman Swan: So they've not the weight loss, they've not got bleeding or bruising from anything…

Norman Swan: It's just common or garden, so to speak.

Adrian Traeger: And they were fine before and the pain just came on. So the five questions we know predict outcome are, firstly, how much it hurts, so the pain intensity.

Norman Swan: So the worse it is…?

Adrian Traeger: Yet, the worse it is the more likely you are to go on to have a persistent problem.

Norman Swan: This is like one of these Vogue questionnaires, the more points you get the more likely you are to have a partner for life.

Adrian Traeger: Exactly, yep, it's a quiz, that's right, and so the second question is about depression. So if you've been having feelings of depression at the time on a scale of 0 to 10, that also can increase your risk. There's also a question about your own perception about whether you think you're going to get chronic pain. So that's on a scale of 0 to 10. Do you think this episode of pain is going to last a long time? That predicts your outcome. And there's two more questions as well, one is whether the pain is transferring down into your leg…

Adrian Traeger: Sciatica, yes. And also whether or not you are receiving compensation for the injury that you are presenting to the doctor for.

Norman Swan: In other words, is it an insurable injury.

Norman Swan: And that's not about malingering, that's about…it's often the battle you have with the insurer to be believed makes you angry and just makes everything worse.

Adrian Traeger: Yes, that's something we still don't understand. We know it's a strong risk factor, but we certainly don't think it's related to malingering but there is some complexity there that we know having a compensable injury predicts your outcome but we don't know why.

Norman Swan: So you chose people on the basis of their answers to that question, it's called the PICKUP questions.

Adrian Traeger: That's right, yes.

Norman Swan: What did you do with them once you'd picked them up, so to speak?

Adrian Traeger: So these were people that we identified as being at high risk of poor outcomes. So the average person has about a 30% chance of developing a persistent problem, which is fairly high, so that's in the general population 3 out of 10 people who get an episode of back pain will still have pain at three months. And so we took anyone with above average…

Norman Swan: But you wouldn't necessarily have pain at 12 months.

Adrian Traeger: Maybe not, they could still recover in that time.

Norman Swan: And if you score highly on PICKUP, what's the number?

Adrian Traeger: Yes, so we took anyone who was above that average number. So these were above average risk people, and then what we did was we sat them down and we spent two hours educating them about their back. So we used a…

Norman Swan: So this is the intervention group rather than the control?

Adrian Traeger: Yes, so we had two groups, and the intervention group received two hours of intensive patient education. So this covered things like what's going on in their back, any specific concerns or worries they had about it, what their expectations for recovery were. And we also talked about the brain's involvement in pain. So we tried to link in all of these biological and psychological and social aspects of pain and explain that all to the patient.

Norman Swan: And what did you find? What did the control group get? They just got a pat on the back from the GP?

Adrian Traeger: The control group just got a bit of a chat. So we sat down and we listened carefully and we showed empathy, but we really just had a chat for the same duration of time.

Norman Swan: Right, care factor zero, care factor maximum on the others.

Adrian Traeger: Well, we did show a lot of care, otherwise we might have had something thrown at us…

Adrian Traeger: And the result was that all that information that was designed to be reassuring and really set a patient's mind at ease didn't impact on their recovery or their risk of developing chronic low back pain.

Norman Swan: So much for health literacy, so they say, the knowledge about your own condition being good for you.

Adrian Traeger: Well yes, we were really surprised and we…

Norman Swan: What do you think was going on?

Adrian Traeger: Well, we are still trying to think that through. So of all things to implement early on in an episode of back pain, all the international guidelines recommend patient education, and they are starting to recommend this more intensive format of intervention. So we thought this was really going to be the answer to chronic pain but we were very disappointed to find that it wasn't.

Norman Swan: So you're standing by your original one which is your GP is saying to you, look, this is acute pain, it's got a good chance of going away, don't lie down to it, that sort of simple advice that takes a couple of minutes is still the way to go.

Adrian Traeger: Yes, we still stand by that advice, and it's worth noting that everyone in the trials still received that advice from their treating practitioner and they received this additional intervention, so we take that as providing this additional complex care to high-risk people just wasn't worthwhile.

Norman Swan: So the kind of message here is if you've got acute lower back pain, less is more.

Adrian Traeger: That's exactly the message we think it gives, yes.

Norman Swan: That you don't do too much. Did it make them worse, that education?

Adrian Traeger: Qualitatively no. So we've recorded all the sessions that we are going to go through and see what actually happened there, but anecdotally I can tell you that the information was real received, I think it's just no better than sitting down and listening to someone carefully and showing empathy.

Norman Swan: Could it be that it was too early, they needed it in three months' time rather than when they were in agony?

Adrian Traeger: Perhaps the timing could have affected things. We know that advice at the subacute phase, so that's when you've had the pain for about six weeks, there is evidence that advice at that point in the injury can actually impact on pain, but had we waited until three months we might have missed the boat.

Norman Swan: Adrian, thank you, I look forward to next time you contradict your research. Dr Adrian Traeger is a research fellow at the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health at the University of Sydney.

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