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John Moore tried several prescriptions to treat his recurring, excruciating headaches. But each came with its own drawbacks.
The side effects of one prescription put him on the verge of tears; another made him feel like he "wanted to shoot myself; another made me want to shoot everybody else," Moore said.
When he finally found one with side effects that he could manage, there was another problem — the doctor prescribed nine pills, but he was having about 20 headaches a month.
"I was in a bad spot," Moore said. "I was trying to figure out what was going to be a really bad one and which ones I could live through."
The 66-year-old pastor's plight is far from uncommon: There were 25.3 million Americans who suffered from chronic pain in 2015, according to federal data.
But he found relief in an unexpected place: physical therapy. Moore mentioned his headaches during an appointment for some back trouble at Results Physiotherapy, and his therapist wanted to see if she could help.
►Video: Donna Marsh is in chronic pain but believes opioids help
He was skeptical but decided to give it a shot because he wanted relief.
The therapist found a muscle in his shoulder that was a trigger, and she began to work on that — at first three times a week. Moore did follow-up work at home, using a tennis ball in a sock to massage the same area.
"Sure enough she started working, she hit on this spot on my back and I could feel the muscle in my head," Moore said.
Moore began to see improvement. Now he rarely gets the headaches; he's still using the tennis ball and is careful about his posture when he uses the computer.
Increasingly, Americans are seeking a quicker fix for chronic pain. People want to feel better, but often the easiest way to feel immediate relief is a pill.
"We say that pain pills make you feel better, but they are not going to make you better," said Tony Ueber, CEO of Results Physiotherapy.
It's a disconnect that has repercussions on quality of life and demand for treatment, as well as expectations of comfort in life not held by previous generations. Moore said the trips to physical therapy, at times, were inconvenient but worth the effort.
Dr. Leah Cordovez, with Saint Thomas Health, tries to get patients to work on pain in their life. It's not picking up a prescription at the pharmacy drive-thru. It's sleep, it's food, it's movement.
"It's so easy to take a pill, but the pill is simply blocking those pain receptors. The pain stimulant is still there," said Cordovez, a primary care physician specializing in integrative medicine. "If you have pain and you want to get better, it's something you really have to take on. Vitamin D, good sleep, clean diet. It's really up to the person, not medicine. Medicine can only do a fraction of what a person has the power to do."
Changing how pain is recognized and treated — by patients, providers and insurance companies — is vital to efforts to tackle health care costs and reform, opioid dependency and, particularly in Tennessee, wellness.
There's not one type of pain, just as there's not one type of person, said David Vago, research director at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
Pain from a fracture or cancer treatment is distinct from the pain that arises from age or, for instance, as a symptom of increasingly sedentary lifestyles.
There's often a fear that movement will aggravate pain, said Craig O'Neil, vice president of clinical excellence at Results Physiotherapy. But the human body is designed to move, and the right movements can alleviate the root causes of pain, rather than relying on a tablet to mask the hurt.
And pain is not one dimensional. Chronic pain or recurring injuries elicit a visceral reaction from those afflicted that impacts the tasks and pleasures of life. It may manifest as fear and anxiety about triggers, a desperation to relieve it, an overhang of depression.
"You know constant pain can make you crazy, I think," Moore said. "Honestly, there were days I had a migraine coming on and I had no medicine left and I would just cry because I knew it would be a bad day. I fully understand how people can get dependent — if you find something that helps, you keep taking more."
Tennessee is ripe for a sea change in how pain is perceived and treated. It's a leader in the number of opioid prescriptions per person, which overlays the state's broader crisis: the poor health of its residents.
For lower back pain — a common complaint that sends many people into exam rooms — the American College of Physicians recently started recommending people work massage, yoga and exercise into their life before expecting prescriptions or thinking of surgery.
Age-old practices such as meditation, yoga and acupuncture, which emphasize self-awareness, are taking root — or rather re-emerging — as good medicine as the industry confronts drawbacks to addictive painkillers and costs associated with invasive treatments.
These treatments also help patients manage the emotional component of pain: the dread and fatigue about what lies ahead, Vago said.
"Slowly we're dropping the label 'complementary' and 'alternative' because what do those terms really mean? They are suggesting this form of treatment is an alternative to mainstream medicine," Vago said. "If mainstream medicine is actually causing more problems ... then are our labels mixed up and confused? All mainstream medicine really means — there has to be some scientific evidence to support (outcomes)."
Cordovez's yearslong dream to share an office with acupuncturist Umaru Jutte is finally reality. The two practitioners are in the same building on Old Hickory in Brentwood, and coordinate care for patients in the hallway.
Cordovez suggested acupuncture to patient William Harper when he told her he was at the point of turning to voodoo, or anything else, if it would help with a range of problems — from headaches and swollen eyes to congestion to ringing ears — that appear, seemingly, on a whim.
In the past, Harper, 61, had tried prescriptions, adjusted exercise habits and seen plenty of physicians. Still, there’s no consistency in how he feels.
Harper said he gets such relief from the treatment that he'd keep the needles in 24 hours a day if he could. Sessions with Jutte temporarily helped with some chronic issues and can vanquish eye swelling and headaches, he said.
Some of the needles — a bit thicker than a human hair — can bring some discomfort, but Harper doesn’t feel many of the few dozen that get inserted. The discomfort he does feel is worth the relief, he said.
“This is a day-in-and-day-out thing. I don’t know what tomorrow is going to bring me,” Harper said. “I wasn’t overly optimistic at the first visit, but, like I said, every visit I have I felt better when I got up off that table than when I first laid down.”
Most insurance, including Harper’s, doesn’t cover acupuncture, or often other types of treatments that have for years been seen as on the fringe of medical practice.
Physical therapy is more likely to be covered, and in Tennessee, referrals aren't needed, said Ueber, who called it a progressive policy.
A session with Jutte is $75, and Cordovez wishes insurance coverage would catch up to what's happening in the medical community so more patients could get affordable access.
"I would love to see this find its way in more mainstream," Cordovez said. "The coverage is dismal. It's pitiful. It's lagging behind the evidence."
Reach Holly Fletcher at hfletcher@tennessean.com or 615-259-8287 and on Twitter @hollyfletcher.