This condition occurs from a muscle and ligament imbalance around your toe joint that causes the toe joint to bend and become stuck in an abnormal position. Doctors have several bent toe correction options that vary according to how severe your hammer, mallet, or claw toe condition is.
Tight-fitting shoes often aggravate and put pressure on hammertoes. The most common complaint with hammertoes is rubbing and irritation on the top of the bent toe.
Arthritis of the Foot and Ankle
The pain and stiffness you feel in your feet and ankles as you age could be arthritis. If left untreated, this nagging pain can get worse over time, eventually making it difficult to walk even short distances.
Bent Toe Disorders (Hammer, Mallet and Claw)
A bent toe disorder is an oddly bent toe joint. Hammer, claw and mallet toes are often painful and commonly occur in one or more of the four smaller toes.
If these traditional hammertoe treatments fail to provide results, your doctor may suggest joint arthroplasty, joint fusion, or arthroscopic surgery to release the tendon.